Zymewire Launches Clinical Development Services for COVID-19 Research

Zymewire, a SaaS company, announced the launch of CovidCollaborators.org, an online directory of expert, pro-bono, and discounted clinical development services being offered in the fight against COVID-19.

COVID Collaborators aims to connect service providers with researchers working on novel treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. Some of the services being offered include clinical research, clinical software, EDC, manufacturing, investigator training, patient recruitment, use of facilities, virtual services, and clinical trial management.

“The Zymewire team was looking for ways to help accelerate the timeline toward a treatment or vaccine,” said Pete Bastedo, CEO at Zymewire. “We realized that with direct relationships with the world’s leading drug development service companies, we were in a unique position to build something like this. By listing the services and expertise being offered by these companies in a centralized directory, our hope is that it gains the attention of drug developers around the globe, and that together, they can quickly bring new drugs to market.”

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