Ampersand Biomedicines' Acquisition of AbCheck Propels Platform and Product Development

Ampersand Biomedicines has acquired AbCheck s.r.o., a technology company specializing in antibody discovery for challenging targets and formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of Affimed GmbH. Ampersand, a multi-product platform company focused on developing site-specific medicines, revealed that the addition of AbCheck's extensive discovery platform and expertise in antibody generation and optimization will strategically accelerate the development of its Address, Navigate, Determine (AND)™ Platform. Jason Gardner, D. Phil., CEO of Ampersand Biomedicines, expressed enthusiasm about integrating AbCheck's capabilities into the AND Platform. This acquisition is expected to enhance Ampersand's capacity to generate multiple AND-Body™ Therapeutics concurrently, fostering the creation of a robust drug candidate pipeline with efficacy, safety, and tolerability. AbCheck, renowned for its cutting-edge antibody discovery technologies, will now operate as a wholly-owned and independent unit within Ampersand, bringing its validated platform and 15 years of successful partnerships to further strengthen the company's research and development efforts.

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