Nice Insight Market Data

The integration of the Pharma’s Almanac with Nice Insight was a clear next step, as both sites are powered by research. Nice Insight, the research arm of That’s Nice, was launched in 2010. Since then, there have been 23 proprietary annual surveys conducted, all of which target buyers of outsourced services, including research, drug substance, drug product, excipients and intermediates, equipment and logistics. The new Nice Insight portal offers free access to comparative buyer ratings of over 800 service providers across six service segments, as well as company profiles of 856 suppliers. This provides a unique online asset to both buyers and sellers of outsourcing services, including the leading market trends and buyer preferences across each of our six major market segments.

Getting Involved

Supplier company contributions to our ongoing dialogue have been compelling and insightful; we thank our community for sharing so many diverse aspects of the global supply chain. Among many things, we have learned that the pharma-biotech world continues to ask us all to come to the table with new ideas of every kind. From advances in targeted drug screening, chemical synthesis, continuous manufacturing, downstream processing, encapsulation technology, cold chain solutions or automated clinical trials and data management, to partnership-minded service, at-risk deal structuring, dedicated manufacturing capacity, accelerated analytical services and more, our diversified content is ever-expanding.

To make sure all are able to access this content, we have designed seven different custom access levels to promote high visibility among users of this unique platform.

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